Hello, I am

Paolo Ligsay
Front-end Engineer

I specialize in crafting code for visually stunning digital experiences, using my expertise in front end development.

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About me.

Hi! I'm Paolo Ligsay 👋 a passionate and dedicated Front End developer with around 4 years of experience in front end development 👨‍💻 I have had the opportunity to work with various technologies and frameworks, allowing me to adapt quickly ⚡️

Recently, I have learned to give importance to accessibility (a11y) which I consider now as a core principle that guides my work. I strongly believe that digital experiences should be inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. I priorities implementing accessible design principles and following WCAG guidelines to ensure that my projects are usable and enjoyable for everyone. 🤝🧑‍🦯

⚒️ These tools enable me to build robust and dynamic web applications, leveraging the power of modern web development to deliver exceptional user experiences. 💻

HTML5PugCSS3SASSStyled ComponentsJavaScriptTypeScriptVue.jsReactNext JSNodeJSStorybookTailwindCSSVercelNPMYarnJestFirebaseHerokuMongoDBMySQLNetlifyGitPhotoshopIllustratorFigma

Although it may appear that I possess extensive knowledge of various technologies, I want to think of myself as Technology-Agnostic and I do not favour any specific platform or system. I don't limit myself to a specific set of technologies or frameworks. 📚 Instead, I prioritise understanding the fundamentals and core principles of web development specially JavaScript. I firmly believe that being technology-agnostic promotes a more holistic and client-centered approach. 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

MTA Database Fundamentals, certified 2019 Microsoft.


Software Engineer @OneTeamAnywhere, PH

August 2023 - Present // Remote, PH

My current role involves leveraging React, React Admin, and Material UI to craft dynamic web pages, focusing primarily on front-end development. I specialize in transforming UI/UX designs into interactive and user-friendly experiences.

Front End Developer @CODE AND THEORY, MNL

January 2022 - June 2023 // Pasig, PH

Developing web pages with a wide variety of tech stack to meet client's requirements and features. We always give importance and promote accessibility (A11Y) on all projects to let people with disabilities access these websites with ease.

Associate Technical Support Engineer @ORACLE NETSUITE

January 2021 - September 2021 // Makati, PH

Provided appropriate solutions and alternatives to US clients for issues regarding the following but not limited to: ODBC connection, SQL Queries, Integrations via SOAP XML, JSON and RESTlet Scripts, UI and Server scripting using Suitescript APIs, Etc.

Jr. Front End Engineer @UPWARD NEXT INC.

July 2019 - January 2021 // Makati, PH

Program a performant and maintainable code for a diverse array of clients and projects and collaborated with a team of Filipino Developers and Japanese Designers to produce responsive web applications. Work with a variety of languages, libraries, tools and CMS such as Git, Javascript, Pug, Sass, Webpack, Wordpress, Etc.

04. Collection

A Collection of Other Notable Projects.

  • Einstein

  • The Bucketlist

  • Portfolio V1

  • QRly

  • Createyourhuman

  • CutyourURL

05. Contact

I am always open for collaboration, open projects and suggestions.You might want to slide a mail at my inbox! I’ll respond as soon as possible. Happy Coding!

Get in Touch